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  • aibyabala06

VI. Summary and Suggestions

A.) Purposes of practicum

Practicum is a requirement for the completion of my degree. However, I believe that there's more than this. Practicum is an opportunity to apply every theory or concept that I have learned in the previous years of my academic preparation. It is a chance for me to show what I've got. It helps me to grow and develop as an individual as a future professional. It polishes me to become a star which will serve as a guide to the children of tomorrow.

B.) Procedures of practicum

Our SEA-Teacher Project experience was divided into three time frames. During the first week, we had our orientation both in the receiving university and the receiving school. We have also conducted class observations on the same week. For the second week, we served as teacher assistants. We helped our respective cooperating teachers in carrying out their daily endeavors. On the third and fourth week, we had our practice teaching including our final demonstration which has been evaluated.

C.) Outcomes of Practicum

Through the internship, I have grown more as a person and as a future professional. I have learned how to establish a good rapport even with people of different nationality. I have learned more on how to prioritize things, how to weigh situations carefully and how to manage my time wisely. I have applied the strategies and practices that I gained in school. Moreover, I had extraordinary experiences which I will always remember.

D.) The challenges of practicum

If there's a challenge that I have encountered in my practicum journey, that would be the language barrier between me, my cooperating teacher and some of my students. The situation demanded me to exert great effort in translating my presentation into another language. However, I am more grateful for I have learned more about patience, flexibility and time management.

E.) Overall impression

The SEA-Teacher Program is such a priceless experience. It's an opportunity to hone a better version of yourself as a person and as a future teacher. It also provides a chance to discover more about yourself and the path that you want to take.

F.) Suggestions for future improvement

I think it would be better if the duration of the program will be lengthened so that the participants will have more hand-on experiences.

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